034 #dinacon17

Hackathons are a great way to polish skills, network and get hired in the tech world. They are places where knowledge is shared, new projects begun, and existing ones get a refresh and a new audience. A traditional birthing-place and community gathering. So it is that running a good "hack" event takes a special dedication from the organisers and participants, a mutual respect that is consistent with the goals of creating a healthy environment for such digital (or what be it) newborns.

Immediately after DINAcon 2017, a new conference bringing together a big crowd involved or interested in digital sustainability in Switzerland, we ran a HACKnight where people behind the projects nominated for DINAcon Awards and others could be challenged by each other. On top of that, the "Glückschäferli" challenge is a Swiss chocolate truffle presented with fanfare to anyone who finds and submits a bug during the night.

Many thanks to the DINAcon team, to Welle7 for hosting us in room π, to Adfinis SyGroup for the caffeinated beverages, and MAJOR KUDOS* to all the guys and gals who came out in support. Looking forward to doing it again with you next year! Until then, see you at the next hackdays.

The official poster, wallpaper and [8-bit photos](#gallery) are [available here](https://github.com/loleg/dinacon-hacknight-2017).


DINAcon highlights and other open source projects were shared on the HACKnight.DINAcon.ch site and pitched live at the start of the event. Fresh pizza and emoji candy, coffee and Club Mate, laptops and Arduino kits, "bug music" and chiptunes were keeping us going. Code was written, compiled, installed and pen tested. Bugs were discovered and squashed. Achievements unlocked. Friends found and made. Impressions follow:

At the #dinacon17 hacknight I built my first federated sparql query which queries more than one endpoint. — Marco Koch (@koma5)

(See Marco's prototype here)

example to url rule 920220 · Issue #921 · SpiderLabs/owasp-modsecurity-crs

prototype for easier overpass integration · sosm/Leaflet.Storage@ec280b4

Unable to setup with Python3 under Debian testing · Issue #106 · loleg/dribdat

8-bit visuals made on a Fairphone 2 with 8BitPhotoLab:

Hacking under spotlights

Glückschäferli attack!

Achieving the flow

Health is wealth

Clocks are ticking

Security has arrived

Images licensed CC BY-SA 4.0 and available for high quality download here.


The track "Fireflies" by Owl City was loudly played while awarding the Glückschäferli challenge (see above), since it is an example of insect inspired music. Thanks to @gnz for the buzzing idea!