5 min read

085 #opendatach

Some brief impressions of the Opendata.ch conference and anniversary.
085 #opendatach

A few thoughts on occasion of the annual Opendata.ch event in Bern this week, celebrating 10 years of the association that brings together a community of people across Switzerland campaigning for political and technical reforms in the area of data accessibility.

The past months have been a chance to see data in action in the form of crisis-campaigns, administrations collaborating with NGOs, hosting refugees, opening doors, shaking up decades-old practices to meet urgent demands. It has been a harrowing to hear stories of humanitarian rescue and political tight-rope acts, with a war and cyberwar raging in the background.

The #StandWithUkraine movement (data source above) has been a foundation on which to question and rebase my outlook on the world, to try to defy all attempts to put flags, economic gains or cultural mores above a path to lasting peace. Not bought, not contrived, not in any way assumed to be permanent - hard maintained peace amongst people. How does the open movement come into play here?

Announcing the winners of the Open Data Day 2022 small grants – Open Knowledge Foundation blog

As as a civil society, we are engaged with questions that range from everyday issues of individuals to high level reforms and global rights. The goal is usually to create pragmatic solutions, go beyond quick technology fixes that end up having a high cost in the long term. We recognize the power of data - and the many risks of bias and abuse.

Screenshot of vladmandic/Human at Studio Effinger

Our vision is a world that is more fair, more inclusive, when transparency is both legislated and enforced, where we do not just passively comply with ubiquitous surveillance, and are able to protect our digital rights - and watch the watchers - through the lens of investigative data journalism, scientific analysis, and the many-eyes of the crowd.

Open Knowledge, What’s Next? - Opendata.ch/2022 Forum
Here you can find all events organised by Opendata.ch. On our Save-the-Dates list, you can find further interesting events by other organisations in Switzerland. If you don’t want to miss any events or Hackdays, sign up for our Opendata.ch or Hackdays Newsletter.

On the horizon for our local movement is Open Data by Default - the legislation coming into effect at the end of the year that should cement a proactive digitalization strategy in Switzerland, and encourage even closer exchange and feedback loops with civil society.

Read my notes on the forum for some background to the EMBaG law. The challenges and expectations towards the community were aptly summed up by Thomas Schulz (above) and Petra Keller Gueguen (below) in the keynotes of our annual meeting.

Internationally, we have gotten discouraged under continuous threat of governments and non-state actors who are extinguishing openness and transparency, often undoing our efforts while unapologetically pursuing exploitative agendas and secretive (or apparent) power struggles. Strong leadership and renewal of commitments across north and south, east and west, is needed more than ever.

"Don't mind what's going on with us, keep your focus on helping the Ukraine." The activist Ivan Begtin from the Russian chapter, meeting with Renata Ávila, CEO of the Open Knowledge Foundation who joined our conference in Bern today to share words of fire. Watch my smartphone recording of Renata's morning seminar, and be 🔥  by the stakes at play in the State of Open Knowledge:

With apologies for poor audio quality - let me know if there's another segment that needs captions!

A few impressions from social media follow - more will soon be available on our association's channels.

Many thanks to the organizing team, supporters, and all who came out and stayed till the apéro and rainy afterparty featuring the On Data & Design presentation on Visual Complexity:

[23.06] Opendata.ch/2022 - Open Data Forum
Just a quick information. There is an event on visual systems tonight. The streaming will be live on YouTube. Here is the direct link to the stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsVgQwdkEtY After the streaming, we invite everyone to a drink at 8pm at kaBAR in Basel. See you there! Thank you! …
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