062 #ai #opendebate
"I am what I earn?..." ironically asks a digital mirror in a temporary installation at the Effinger coworking
061 #cities
A new year's post about the pace of change, on working with architects, and keeping a balanced outlook on progress.
060 #privacy #publichealth
Notes from the 5th Public Health Symposium on Electronic Health Records in Bern, Switzerland.
059 #kinderfreundlich
Presenting cividi at the UNICEF symposium on child-friendly living spaces.
058 #digitaltag
Presenting the topic of digital tools for analogue spaces, in one of the most public spaces of Bern for Swiss Digital Day.
057 #dbhackathon
A trip to Berlin to visit CityLAB, and take part in a hackathon organized by the Deutsche Bahn.
055 #effinger #datawalk
A look back at the Effinger jubilee, reflections from the UG on a journey through coworking spaces and urban spaces.
054 #panoptikum #api2art
Bridging the digital divide - from art studio to online collection - with Frictionless Data.
052 #energyhack2019
Outline of the 2019 Energy Data Hackathon by Opendata.ch ~ with behind the scenes data!
051 #amld2019 #health #cities
A four day conference at EPFL at the end of January 2019 where I ran an open data workshop, and got to think a lot about human-to-machine relations.