040 #opendataday bern
Together with over 400 sites around the world, we celebrated Open Data Day 2018 in Bern, Switzerland this weekend. Impressions in brief.
039 #opendatach #basel
Following on our Hackdays last month, we converged mid-February in Basel for the second Open Food Data event this year.
038 #amld2018
Applying machine learning at the Open Food Data Hackdays 2018 in Lausanne.
037 #publichealth
Notes on a Public-Health.ch symposium about the ways digitization and data access is changing healthcare and the medical profession.
036 #frictionlessdata
Grantee profile of my work with Open Knowledge on developing components of the Frictionless Data program.
035 #E-0010
Looking back at the first year of E-0010, the underground digital co-creation space at the heart of Bern.
034 #dinacon17
Hackathons are a great way to polish skills, network and get hired in the tech world. They are places where
033 #demonights
The second Swiss DEM0N1GHTS of 2017 (see full invitation in English and auf Deutsch for background) went down at E-0010
032 #python meetup
As folks who read this blog may know, I'm a fan of the Python programming language and Django
031 #e-0010
Effinger Goes Underground
Posted on 20.06.2017 by Claudine Etter at Effinger blog. Republished with permission. English translation below.