Coder Dojo Bern

Coder Dojo Bern

From 2023:

Code Dojo - Code Dojo
Das Code Dojo ist ein Game-Programmiertreff für aufgeweckte Kids zwischen ca. 9 und 16 Jahren. Wir treffen uns immer am ersten Mittwoch des Monats in der Bibliothek Ostermundigen.

Hier geht's weiter zur deutschen Version dieser Seite !

We are opening a new space for kids/youth to meet and code in Bern, Switzerland. Adults and elderly participants are very welcome as well, both as mentors and if they want to learn new computer tricks.

Additional information: Blogpost about Coder Dojos, our ideas & philosophy

Kids ♥ Programming

On Sunday, April 24th from 3 to 5 PM we will host a "Coder Dojo" at Mittelpunkt, a common centre in Bern. Forthcoming dates will be published and sent by newsletter:
Please use the form to signup!.

  • From 7 years on (under 12y: a responsible adult must be with you during the meet-up!)
  • Bring a laptop with mouse, if you have one
  • Wifi available, Beverages at low prices

We are looking forward to a nice place to code, taking the time to learn and share!

Sara, Oleg & Jörg

Attending / Newsletter

Please tell us a few things about yourself and your interests to sign up for a coder dojo or to subscribe to the newsletter. There is also a public forum for Youth Activities where you can ask questions and participate in discussion.

Creative Commons Licence
The works on this blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.