101 #postaldata
Diving again into the data science of global deliveries and postal services at the Universal Postal Union.
100 #superpowers
A concise and unbiased commentary on a super-duper cultural hackathon that a bunch of audacious people ran in Bern last week.
098 #glamhack
Mémories, a new exhibition at the Geneva Ethnography Museum, featuring work by OpenGLAM.ch hackathon teams.
095 #hthv3 #nations
Hackathons are grounds for technical-artistic experimentation, collaboration, and partnership. We research and hack on a familiar backdrop at the United Nations.
094 #hthv3 #timekeeping
A talk on the topic of Design and Timekeeping, presented at Hack the Hackathon v3 in Geneva.
093 #hthv3 #vibe
An initial recap of the third #HacktheHackathon workshop, relaying the spirit of the meeting and some key ideas we took home.
091 #makeselfie
A workshop and hackathon project on self-tracking for MakeZurich 2023.
087 #ckan
Slides and notes from a presentation and discussion at the CKAN Monthly community meeting.
072 #hackdays
A look back at a year of (mostly online) hackathons, with some thoughts upon their setting and impact.
069 #dribdat
It has been a very busy year. Swept up in the pandemic with the rest of the world, our local communities did their best to make hackathons a meeting point for data activists and concerned citizens.